Play SlideshowBoats; Island of Capri, Italy
Main harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Bows, sterns; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Man at work, afloat; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Harbor view; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Leaving the harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Clearing the breakwater; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Clearing the breakwater two; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Wake; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Wake two; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Harbor detail; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
At anchor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Ready; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Tight quarters; harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Across three sterns; harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Net mending; harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Nets, floats; harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Sure-footed; harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Rub rails, oars; harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
Bow chock, line; harbor; Island of Capri, Italy. October 2009.
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Boats; Island of Capri, Italy