Play SlideshowIn Remembrance; Once Bomb-broken, Now Whole; London
In remembrance; once broken, now whole; St. Marylebone Parish Church, London. October 2009.
Shards of bomb-broken stained glass; World War II; reconfigured; London. October 2009.
A memorial; shards of broken and reconfigured stained glass; London. October 2009.
A memorial; shards of broken and reconfigured stained glass; London. October 2009.
In remembrance; once broken, now whole; reconfigured, bomb-broken stained glass; World War II; London. October 2009.
A single window wreathed in reconfigured shards of bromb-broken stained glass; London. October 2009.
A full-figured window; mother, child in glass; in memory of Margarita Victoria Goodwin; St. Marylebone Parish Church; London. October 2009.
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In Remembrance; Once Bomb-broken, Now Whole; London