Play SlideshowCrimson Stalks; Old Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA
Crimson stalk; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Buds at the top; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Darker exposure; buds at the top; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Buds at the top two; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Red; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Odd couple; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Red in the shadows; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Winged visitor; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Seeker; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
Out, about; Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA. August 2012.
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Crimson Stalks; Old Mill Pond; West Tisbury, Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, USA