Play SlideshowRobert Ortiz; Woodworker Studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA
Detail; ingrained; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Horizontal detail; ingrained; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Ingrained; woodworker studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Swirling grain; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
On the wall; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Wall hanging detail; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Out of Africa; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Out of Africa two; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Out of Africa; grain detail; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Rough-sawn slab; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Tight, intricate grain; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Strata; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Unfinished box; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Detail; unfinished box; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Edge; box detail; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Treated top; box detail; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Treated top two; box detail; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Finished effect; waves of grain; box; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Smooth, glossy finish; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Finished box detail; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Bare wood; inside corner; box; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Robert Ortiz; craftsman, artist; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Grainy folds; a sense of scale; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Waves of grain; detail; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Bark, beneath; woodworker’s studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
Gentle curves; three woods; Robert Ortiz studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA. October 2012.
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Robert Ortiz; Woodworker Studio; Chestertown, Maryland, USA